Saturn Enters Virgo

by Drew Lawrence

On 9.9.09, Saturn entered the sign of Virgo for the next two years according to Vedic astrological calculation. He will exit Virgo on November 15, 2011 and then again enter Virgo once more from May 16 to August 4, 2012

As Saturn’s recent sojourn through the sign of Leo brought governments, banks, stock markets, investors, corporations, and businesses to their knees in order to trim the inflated materialistic ego, it paved the way for an attitude of greater humility and a mindset aimed at service to others.

Now that Saturn is in Virgo, service, self-sacrifice, and community-mindedness will come to the fore. People will become less self-centered and more concerned with the needs of the whole and not just specific parts or special interests or themselves, for that matter. People, governments and businesses will begin to think of the greater good. Some will have now come to realize that the opposite pole for those driven relentlessly by profit is loss. And a new day may now dawn wherein people will begin to see that life cannot be lived solely for gain and self-aggrandizement. But one must offer something of value to others and act out of a sense of duty and responsibility for the benefit of the whole.


Since Saturn is a natural malefic or planet that brings challenge and strife, we can also expect some of that as well from this planet who grinds all those who oppose him. “As a gem is not polished without rubbing, a human being is not perfected without trials.”

Much will be played out in the courts over the next two years and people will be brought to justice for their transgressions and extortions and some will be sent to prison. People will expect greater accountability with Saturn in Virgo. As banks, governments and corporations were brought to their knees with Saturn in Leo, the people, the workers, employees, laborers, the labor movement and unions will be brought to their knees over the next two years.

Enemies, enmities and their root cause, envy, will be on the rise. Litigation will be on the increase. People’s diets and balanced food consumption will suffer. They will either be unable to afford good quality foodstuffs or they won’t make the effort to cook and eat good food. Many will have to rely on handouts from charitable institutions and soup kitchens. Hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation will diminish. More people will become desperate due to the economic fallout causing theft and violence to escalate.

Saturn being in the sign of Mercury will increase worry, stress, tension, fear, nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. People will work much harder for less. They will take on greater responsibility and become overburdened. This will lead to fatigue and will have a negative effect on people’s health. For relief or in order to cope, people will increase their vices and indulge their addictions.

People will be afflicted by debt which will become the taskmaster controlling their actions and their lives. Many a person’s good credit rating will suffer. Misunderstanding and miscommunication between people will be on the rise. People will abandon their pets and animals because they can no longer afford to keep them. These are some of the negative effects we can expect from Saturn’s move into Virgo. (You will find more encouraging news in the article “Our Economic Redemption”)


The advantages of Saturn in Virgo are the expansion of our understanding of healing and medicine, health research, scientific discovery and innovation. People will look for practical ways to achieve their goals with less inclination to pie-in-the-sky profits and investments. They will just make things work. They will learn or will have to learn to be more open to compromise. Conflicts will be resolved through give and take, not just take and demand.

Many people who had risen to an inflated sense of their own value have had their world crumble around them. Their subsequent deflation has brought them back down to earth, affording them a greater vision of practicality and pragmatism, Virgo being an earth sign. The value of properties, goods and services which became inflated beyond their worth over the past few years will also tumble back down to a more realistic rate or valuation.

There will be a greater concern for accuracy, truth and efficiency and more attention will be paid to detail with Saturn in Virgo. People will be more methodical, circumspect and attentive. Politicians and public servants will not be allowed to get away with wastefulness and the culture of over-indulgence while feeding at the public trough. Agencies whose task it is to monitor and regulate government and the financial institutions may even begin to do their jobs with eyes wide open for a change.

Neutralizing the Negative Influence of Saturn

Blue Sapphire or Lapis Lazuli set in gold or silver with an open back setting either as a ring or a pendant can be worn to pacify a weak or afflicted Saturn.

Afflicted or weakened planets can be pacified or appeased by the use of mantra which is a spiritual sound vibration that is repeated for a minimum number of times. Some people are willing to undertake such a discipline while most others would rather simply put on a gemstone and let it do the work. The planetary mantras used for pacification of the planets are to be repeated in the Sanskrit language and should be done a minimum of 108 times each day. The mantra for pacifying Saturn is: “om shree shanayay namaha” You can chant it as much as you like or you can chant it the recommended number of times — 23,000.

Donate one or more of the following: any black article; blue sapphire; lapis lazuli; amethyst; iron; steel; black cows; black mustard seeds; black sesame seeds; black pepper; purple flowers, purple fruits or purple vegetables. This should be done on Saturn’s day, Saturday. The recipient should be an old or destitute person.

Another method of pacifying Saturn is to fast on Saturday of each week. To increase the benefit gained by fasting, you should also endeavor to chant the mantra of that planet for a regular period of time, say fifteen minutes, a half hour or an hour on the day of fasting. Vedic History

One of the best ways to pacify Saturn is to worship Hanuman (half man-half monkey), the devotee of Ram. There is a story of Saturn who was about to be killed by the great demon, Ravan, being rescued by Hanuman. There is another story that says that Hanuman was entering his seven year period of Sade-Sati, a transit of Saturn over the natal Moon position in the birth chart. This happens in everyone’s life about every 23 years. Saturn climbed onto Hanuman’s shoulder which means he began to torment him astrologically as only Saturn can. To overcome Saturn’s influence, Hanuman began to expand himself, getting bigger and bigger, until Saturn was painfully pinned between the ceiling of the room and Hanuman’s shoulder. Saturn begged Hanuman to release him from his pain and suffering. Hanuman agreed but he first made Saturn promise that those who prayed to or worshiped Hanuman when afflicted by Saturn in their own lives would have the negative effects reduced. Saturn accepted the terms and Hanuman released him.

You can chant the following mantra to call on Hanuman’s help: om shree hanumatay namaha

What Saturn in Virgo Means For You

If you are one of my clients, then please check your birth chart printout of your Vedic Astrological Chart to determine whether the following results of Saturn’s transit in Virgo for the coming two years will have further effects for you:

If your Ascendant or Rising sign is Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time to reconfigure or restructure your life. You will be compelled to let go of the old way and adopt a new and better way. You must let go of that which inhibits, restricts or limits your life. You can also successfully lay the foundation for the new direction in your life. Keep an eye on your health.

If the Sun was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time to reconfigure or restructure your life. You will be compelled to let go of the old way and adopt a new and better way. You must let go of that which inhibits, restricts or limits your life. You can also successfully lay the foundation for the new direction in your life. Keep an eye on your health and don’t overwork.

If the Moon was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time of sadness, emotional suffering or frustration. There may be loss of money or of someone close to you. This will bring you a major lesson in detachment and letting go.

If Mars was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time of professional achievement, promotion, ambitious undertakings, leadership, learning patience and perseverance, and increased maturity and thoughtful action on your part. Suppressed anger or resentment may come to the surface.

If Mercury was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time of successful study and educational achievement, the blossoming of inspirational and creative ideas, and deeper philosophical thinking and understanding. Careful not to overtax your nervous system with worry, stress, fear and anxiety.

If Jupiter was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this may restrict the flow of money initially but this will change over time. Your finances and financial outlook may also undergo a complete restructuring. You will experience a deeper spiritual understanding and possible epiphany.

If Venus was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this may cause a relationship to drift apart or one person’s work responsibilities may cause a prolonged separation. Or fate may bring the most influential relationship of your life. Remember to stay in your heart and remain loving toward your loved one and not drift into criticism.

If Saturn was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then this will be a time to reconfigure or restructure your life. You will be compelled to let go of the old way and adopt a new and better way. You must let go of that which inhibits, restricts or limits your life. You can also successfully lay the foundation for the new direction in your life and long-term plans. This is the famous Saturn Return which comes once every 29 years and can send you off on a whole new path in life.

If Rahu was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then you must be especially careful of loss or reversal in your life. Some of your buried past may now reveal itself and a deeper truth or a more honest perspective may now be ready to emerge. Old fears and mistaken notions which have held you back must now be released. You may also have your finger on the pulse of current trends in the world.

If Ketu was in Virgo at the time of your birth, then you may tend to be more reclusive and withdrawn from society and social events. You will become more thoughtful and reflective. You may enjoy some accurate insights regarding what needs to be improved in the world. You are likely to be much more progressive in your thinking and see the future with greater clarity.