Rahu Enters Scorpio &
Ketu Enters Taurus

May, 2011

by Drew Lawrence

Rahu and Ketu are considered to be shadow planets or chaya-graha in the Vedic tradition. Since Rahu and Ketu always travel in concert, although 180 degrees apart, let us look at this new phase of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transit through the signs of Scorpio and Taurus, respectively. Rahu and Ketu will enter these signs on May 3rd, 2011 and remain there for the next 1 1/2 years until January 14th, 2013. For the most part, Rahu and Ketu travel backwards in motion. Therefore, they are not doers, they are effectively undoers! That is their primary function.

Rahu and Ketu are considered to be shadow planets or chaya-graha in the Vedic tradition. Since Rahu and Ketu always travel in concert, although 180 degrees apart, let us look at this new phase of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transit through the signs of Scorpio and Taurus, respectively. Rahu and Ketu will enter these signs on May 3rd, 2011 and remain there for the next 1 1/2 years until January 14th, 2013. For the most part, Rahu and Ketu travel backwards in motion. Therefore, they are not doers, they are effectively undoers! That is their primary function.

Ketu in Taurus will cause further financial losses; wasteful expenditure; difficulty in getting loans from banks and other lenders; diminished value in currencies, people feeling they are not getting value for their money; rising costs in farming and agricultural products and produce including meat and dairy; increased popularity in cosmetic surgery; people lying to cover their tracks; continued misrepresentation of the truth and misinformation; increased sexual addiction and various perversions; increase in human trafficking for the sex trade; more women being disrespected, mistreated and degraded; it may also bring more love-at-first-sight connections between people.

Rahu in Scorpio will bring more death and destruction into our world. We can expect an increase in tragedies, accidents, cataclysms and catastrophes. Since Rahu is the shadow and the shadow represents our collective repressed emotions in the form of fears, doubts, insecurities, unworthiness and self-destructive tendencies — these then are the underlying causes for the external manifestations that will likely occur in our world. Once the shadow is exposed to the light of day and we own it and recognize our own insufficiencies and inadequacies, we are then on our way to the healing and balanced integration of our selves, our society and our world. But if we are not quite ready for that then more destruction and disintegration may be required. But with destruction comes an opportunity for rebirth, renewal and regeneration. This too is offered by Rahu in Scorpio. People’s lives and our collective circumstances will accelerate to such an intensity that whether or not they spin out of control will depend on our ability to constrain the personal and universal mind and therefore the consequences. Sexual obsession, desperation and addiction will be on the rise. People will engage in self-sabotage and self-undoing in an effort to expunge their guilt through their own attraction of punishment and pain into their lives. Since Rahu is a magnifier, he will focus the Scorpio energies of the nether world and draw them out into the open for the purpose of destruction or release — depending into whose hands they fall. Only an evolved soul can utilize the destructive and regenerative powers of Scorpio in a constructive manner. So now we find out just how evolved we really are! Like Shiva, the god of destruction, Rahu’s chaos brings about a renewal through the demolition and disintegration of old forms.