Rahu Enters Sagittarius &
Ketu Enters Gemini

November, 2009

by Drew Lawrence

Rahu and Ketu are considered to be shadow planets or chaya-graha in the Vedic tradition. Since Rahu and Ketu always travel in concert, although 180 degrees apart, let us look at this new phase of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transit through the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini, respectively. Rahu and Ketu will enter these signs on November 2nd, 2009 and remain there for the next 1 1/2 years until May 3rd, 2011. For the most part, Rahu and Ketu travel backwards in motion.

The next year and a half should enable us to lighten up and laugh a little more, appreciating the irony, inscrutability and karmic nature of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Comedy, humor, and laughter will get us through. Tears may provide a release but they will not get you out the other end of your predicament. But laughter will.

Our third eye of spiritual vision will become more opened on a collective level. Insight, perception, intuition and revelation is likely to increase for many. More time spent in meditation will personally help you bring this about for yourself or for the world at large if that is your stage. Your power of suggestion or transference of thoughts and ideas into the minds and hearts of others will also increase. A couple of good suggestions to world leaders wouldn’t hurt!

Be careful to curb a sharp tongue and critical speech. They can cut deeper than you think. It’s like holding a gun which accidentally goes off and shoots somebody. Telling them you didn’t mean to wound them may be too little too late! Choose your words carefully.

People’s beliefs, goals, objectives, ethics and values will transform, dramatically in some cases. In light of this past year’s economic events, corporations, banks, governments, institutions, investments, currencies, retirement plans, etc., may not be given the place of honor they were previously afforded. Since our collective faith has really been tested of late, we are learning that we cannot place so much faith in material and temporal persons, circumstances and institutions. This is a difficult lesson to learn but the teacher is now leaning over us with a hard cane, ready to deliver the next blow. The time has come in which to learn some of these painful lessons — and change our old ways of thinking and reconsider our placement of trust.

Since it is the daily duty of each and every person to take one step closer to their own truth, this simple act has never been more critical than at this time in our collective evolution. We have been misled and let down by untruth, cheating, misrepresentation, selfishness, greed and deception — all for the aggrandizement of the few to the detriment of the many. Cheaters will now be exposed in greater numbers. We must have the courage and conviction to purge ourselves and our society of our lower, self-interested nature in all its forms.

All dharma or virtue is based upon truth. Our actions and our words must be coherent. If we speak and act with such coherence and send that vibration out into the universe, won’t that same authenticity come back to us? In this way, drawing upon our own clear intent, let us create for ourselves a more desirable reality and a world of greater integrity.

With Rahu as the external force now in Sagittarius, our energies must be focused on bringing about a revolution in dharma, virtue, truth and honesty. With Ketu as the internal force now in Gemini, our intuitive, analytical power must quickly enable us to know the truth when we see it, free from confusion.