Astro-Cartography Map

Are you thinking of moving or relocating to a different city or country? Wouldn't it be valuable to know if such a move will be good for you overall — whether it will be the right move at the right time? An Astro-Cartography World Map Consultation can tell you how well you will fare in a new location anywhere on earth or specifically, what locations may be best for you.

Astro-Cartography offers accurate and powerful indications as to what is likely to happen to you when you visit or relocate to a particular place, or even when you deal with people who come from those places. You will be amazed at the accuracy of Astro-Cartography.

Available over the phone or in person.

Cost: $300 US or €225. Duration: About one hour.

Information required:

1. Your Name

2. Your Date of Birth

3. Your Time of Birth, including a.m. or p.m.

4. Your Place of Birth (City or Town, State, Country)